

时间:2024年05月08日 阅读量 : 135

(2023 广西中考)


阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Lisa works in the dining hall of a primary school. Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch to teachers and ____46____.

Because Lisa has a hearing problem, the students weren’t able to ___47____ with her effectively (有效地). They just pointed to the ___48____ they wanted. This year, however, things have changed a lot. It all started with Betty, a new teacher at the school.

Betty has learned sign language (手语) ___49____ three years. One day, she started a conversation in sign language with Lisa in the dining hall. The students there stopped eating and ___50____ the sign language conversation with interest.

The next day, Betty asked ___51____ students, “Would you like to learn how to ___52____ your hands to ‘talk’ to Lisa?” Everyone in the class said yes. She then began teaching the students some ____53____ ways to say hello and how to order food.

The head teacher of the school heard about this. ___54____ he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language. Now, all the people at the school are learning sign language _____55_____. And Lisa is feeling so loved at work!

46. A. students B. parents C. cooks

47. A. work B. check C. communicate

48. A. chalk B. food C. money

49. A. after B. of C. for

50. A. watched B. guided C. finished

51. A. my B. your C. her

52. A. pull B. use C. wash

53. A. easy B. noisy C. sweet

54. A. or B. And C. But

55. A. early B. angrily C. actively

(2023 海南中考)



There was once a couple named Sue and John. Both of them were __41__.

In the late autumn, John was badly ill and became bedridden(长期卧床的). After the doctor visited John several times, he told Sue, “His condition is quite __42__. John seems to have lost all will to live. If he doesn’t want to live, medicines will not help him.”

Sue tried her best to __43__ John. She sang and danced, she painted their favorite pictures, she told jokes, but John did not respond(回应).

“Five,” he said __44__ one day, as he looked out of the window. When Sue asked what John meant, he explained slowly. “There are… only __45__ leaves left on the tree now. When the last leaf falls, I... shall go with __46__.” Upon hearing this, Sue couldn’t help crying. She went to their neighbor, Mr Smith, who was also an artist.

Mr Smith was sorry about John's poor health. He __47__ his friend to get better, then he painted a leaf.

Over the next few days, it rained heavily, but the last leaf on the tree held on firmly(坚固地). Every day, John would look __48__ and see the same lone leaf on the tree.

Then, one day, the doctor came in and said John’s __49__ was improving. John said to Sue, “I’ve realized that life is hard, but I shouldn’t give up. That leaf has stayed on that tree for so long. It has taught me to __50__!”

The doctor smiled, so did Sue.

41. A. teachers B. artists C. doctors

42. A. terrible B. common C. simple

43. A. cheer up B. talk about C. listen to

44. A. angrily B. proudly C. quietly

45. A. four B. five C. six

46. A. it B. them C. you

47. A. taught B. wanted C. asked

48. A. up B. down C. out

49. A. condition B. ability C. level

50. A. draw B. wait C. live

(2023 广州中考)



Almost everyone has a dream job, and for Susan, it is being a whale (鯨) trainer at her city’s aquarium (水族馆). Last year, Susan finally had a (n) ____16____, but it was more than just signing up. People who wanted this job had to take part in a competition. They need to show how ____17____ they could go down into the seven-metre-deep pool that housed the whales and how long they could stay there. The one who could reach the deepest and stay the longest underwater would get the job.

Susan signed up to try out, and everything went ____18____ at first. But then, as she went down to about five metres under the icy water, her legs stopped ____19____. The cold water caused a huge pain in her legs. She was unable to swim back to the surface. She was in great fear and couldn’t think. This only caused her to ____20____ farther into the pool. Just as Susan ____21____ hope, she suddenly felt herself being pushed to the surface.

It was Mila, a whale in the pool. She noticed Susan’s ____22____, held her leg in her mouth and pushed Susan up to the surface. Susan was ____23____, thanks to Mila’s quick action. The aquarium spokesperson said Susan was really ____24____, because Mila had realized Susan needed help before any of the working group did, which saved valuable time.

“Whales are ____25____ animals—they live and play together. In the wild, they show great interest in humans and often swim close to boats and divers.”

16. A. chance B. jobC. dreamD. idea

17. A. soonB. farC. oftenD. hard

18. A. closeB. deepC. lateD. well

19. A. trying    B. hurting

     C. working  D. resting

20. A. dropB. swimC. jumpD. search

21. A. gave away   B. gave in

      C. gave out   D. gave up

22. A. lookB. troubleC. moveD. place

23. A. changed   B. lost

      C. chosen   D. saved

24. A. luckyB. braveC. afraidD. sad

25. A. funnyB. lonelyC. socialD. strong

(2023 广西中考)


46--50  ACBCA   51--55  CBABC 

(2023 海南中考)


41-45 BAACB 46-50 ABCAC

(2023 广州中考)


16. A    17. B    18. D    19. C    20. A    

21. D    22. B    23. D    24. A    25. C
