

时间:2024年03月29日 阅读量 : 122







移民让美国在世界经济中享有优势。移民人士为美国经济注入了创新理念和进取精神,他们同其他地区市场进行商务贸易往来,提高了美国在世界经济交易投资中盈利的能力。移民人士使美国经济保持灵活性,让美国制造商压低价格以应对日新月异的的消费需求。1997年由美国国家科学院发布的一项权威研究指出,移民为美国经济带来了“显著利好”。去年,美国联邦储备委员会主席艾伦·格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)在国会前发表证词时表示:“我一直认为美国吸引着来自世界各地的人,并从中受益匪浅。”



获奖者:谢欣芮 云南农业大学




[1]In his latest book "A Late Bloomer," published in 2020, Mo Yan, the first Chinese Nobel laureate in literature, penned these poignant words that resonate deeply: "I may lack maturity, tact, and sophistication, but it doesn't diminish my worth. I am simply a late bloomer." "A kind-hearted individual often takes longer to fully develop and is often shaped by encounters with malevolent individuals. Even after gaining enlightenment, they continue to hold onto their kindness and sincerity. They persistently search for their own kind, only to find themselves ultimately becoming the loneliest of souls."

[2]In the modern age, we live amidst a sea of opportunities and an ever-restless crowd, where quick achievements are highly sought after. Precocious individuals eagerly seize these opportunities and catapult ahead, while late bloomers find themselves constantly playing catch-up. In a time when everyone clamors for instant popularity, Mo Yan, in contrast, professes his admiration for those who mature at their own pace. According to him, a late bloomer will radiate their brilliance when the perfect stage presents itself, allowing them to unveil their talents.

[3]Perhaps, similar to Mo Yan, we are all late bloomers or are currently on the path of becoming one. Mo Yan, born in an ordinary rural family, soared to prominence later in life, much like a late-maturing rice that takes its time to mature  after innumerable struggles and a step-by-step journey. As Mo Yan stated in his book "A Late Bloomer" : We, as late bloomers, may require a year to achieve what precocious persons accomplish in ten years. Nevertheless, being a late bloomer does not preclude the possibility of success. They may lack familiarity with the ways of the world, yet they possess  uncommon sincerity. They may not fully grasp opportunism, but they possess precious kindness. While their rise to fame may not be meteoric, they possess full momentum.

获奖者:陈萌萌 南昌大学






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